Huntington Beach Rules & Parking
Hours & Parking: Open from 6 am to 10 pm, Huntington State Beach provides ample parking lot space for $20 per day for standard rides and $40 per day for oversize vehicles, with no in/out privileges.
Entrances are provided at Magnolia and Brookhurst (as well as Beach Blvd. too). NOTE: All fees subject to change and it fills up fast so get there EARLY!….ALL PARKING LOTS ARE CONNECTED
Beach and Pier Rules (Complete List)
Beach Curfew is 10 PM, and pier curfew is midnight
Board surfing is prohibited when blackball signs are posted
Riding bikes or skateboards is prohibited on the pier
Possession and/or consumption of drugs or alcohol is prohibited
Dogs must be on a leash and are only permitted on the service road and at "Dog Beach"
Smoking is prohibited on the beach
No Overnight parking/camping
HB Sand Soccer Tournament Rules
Once you have applied you are tentatively accepted into the tournament. Payments are due BEFORE registration closes.
NEW requirement from the State Beach ALL TEAMS must complete and be signed by the Parents of the participants and Coaches our (The 2025 WAIVER/ROSTER FORM) is located here and also on the registration page of our website).
Check in will be Saturday morning, at the tournament headquarters on the beach.
There is No Friday Night check in this year. Please arrive 1 1/2 hours before your first game to check the team in. Players do not need to be present at check in. Any adult can check in the team
Please bring the following items to check in…
Our WAIVER/ROSTER form (which a link to it can be found Above and … on the Registration page of our website) Signed by the Parents of the participants and Coaches along with Players Cards (photo ID's...Club cards (Cal South/ US Club Soccer) or AYSO Cards...or make your own card with a Head Shot, Players Name, Date of birth, Gender and Age Group and Team Name..
All cards must be laminated)
Out of State teams must have Travel Papers from their governing body.
Travel Papers are not required from US Youth Soccer Region IV state associations. US Youth Soccer Region IV state associations include Alaska, Arizona, Cal North, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Loan Players: An unlimited amount of loan players are allowed.
Schedules for every age group can be accessed at: website.
Home/Away Team Designations and Tournament Structure
Home and away team designations are previously divided by the tournament organizers. Home teams are listed first in the schedule. The home team always kicks off first and the away team decides which side of the field they want to defend first. The away team will also choose the color they would like to wear for their uniforms. Therefore in conflict, the home team must change their color jerseys or put on pennies.
Please be on your best behavior, you may be sharing a sideline with the other team.
Referees will warn first and then remove the parent, parents, or team if deemed necessary.
If Police are called, you can or will be removed from tournament permanently (parent, parents or team).
Starting and Ending the Game
Games on all fields may start as early as 8 am each day. All teams must be prepared to start at exactly the time indicated in the master schedule. If your game starts late it will be shortened to ensure the tournament schedule is not changed. Games will have 2, 20 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime.
There are no overtimes. A semi-final or final ending in a tie will go directly to PK’s.
Referees will ensure the following before the start of every game:
1. Check all players for proper wrist bands….no wristband no play
2. Each team has a minimum of 4 players (the opposing team will automatically win the game 3-0 if one team fails to field 4 players)
3. Keepers are designated from both of the teams
4. No illegal equipment is worn
5. Teams are lined up appropriately
6. Game ball is in place as well as field lines, nets, etc..
Forfeit 1 game, Forfeit all games.
Results and Reporting Scores
Results and standings will be posted on the tournament website at on the SCHEDULE & SCORES page. The coach of each team MUST, immediately following the game, see the referee to confirm the score and cards issued during the game, and sign the game card. Scores on signed game cards are final. Failure to sign game card before the next game starts on that field waives the right to protest. And the result is to be confirmed by the referee.
HB Sand Soccer LLC, The Tournament Committee, or any sponsors of the tournament shall not be responsible for expenses incurred by a team or club if the tournament is canceled in whole or in part. All decisions of the referee are final and binding. The Tournament reserves the right to decide on all matters relative to the tournament and all decisions are final.
In the event of inclement weather/lightning, the Tournament Committee may reschedule a match, change division structure, reduce match duration or cancel a match.
All teams shall be allowed a maximum of fourteen (14) players for U-8/9 and eighteen (18) players for U-10 and older on their roster. There is no limit on loan players. Players are NOT allowed to be rostered or play on more than 1 team. This includes split teams. If you are splitting a team into 2 teams, your roster can have no more than 10 players on each team…and a player can only play on one team in the tournament. Violate the rule and you lose the game 3-0 (new for 2023)
Split Teams must be TWO separate rosters. . . with a maximum of 10 players on each roster. . . and a player can only play on ONE team. If only one of the split teams wins. . . only THAT team will receive the Champions Awards.
Any team caught using overage players will be removed immediately from the tournament and will forfeit all of their matches.
Players must be listed on the roster at registration to be eligible to play; no additions are permitted for injuries, late arrivals, other commitments, etc.
NO REFUND POLICY – HB Sand Soccer LLC guarantees entry to every applicant registered and paid by the deadline date; however, there will be no refunds upon receipt. This policy is enforced because there are those few teams that withdraw without just cause before, during and after the schedules we post. The 1% of applicants withdrawing, this way, cause the responsible 99% scheduled tremendous grief due to multiple schedule changes.
The Tournament Director reserves the right to amend brackets in the event a team pulls out at the last minute or is a no show. Director will insure the remaining teams are provided with the best possible tournament competition play for the good of the game.
Players must be born during or after the year indicated by the oldest age group in their division based on USYSA 2023-2024 age groups.
Start of Play
Coaches shall ensure that all players are on scene a minimum of fifteen(15) minutes before a scheduled match. A team which cannot field FOUR (4) players at the scheduled start time shall forfeit the match. The team forfeiting shall be declared the loser, and forfeit the remainder of their matches by a score of 3 goals to none.
If no referee is present within ten (10) minutes of the scheduled start time, the match will be rescheduled unless both teams agree to proceed. If the match proceeds, the score shall stand as played without protest.
Tournament Standings
Bracket standings to determine semi-finalists/finalists will be based on the following :
0-0 is NOT a shut out and will be scored as 3 PTS
Total points: ties will be resolved by the following tie-breakers, in order:
1. Head to Head if two teams tied (disregard if more than two teams tied)
2. Team with highest goal differential per match up to three (3) goals (for and against will be used to calculate differential). . . Example: a 2-1 win is a +1, a 1-3 loss is a -2, a 7-4 win is a 0 (because it is up to 3 goals for and 3 goals against).
3. Least goals allowed. . . Total goals in all bracket games.
4. Total goals scored. . . Total goals in all bracket games.
5. If still tied, both teams will proceed to an available field at Field Marshall’s discretion and determine winner by penalty kicks (see below format).
Tournament Overtime
Ties in preliminary games will remain a tie.
For semi-final and final matches, ties will go directly to PK’s
Forfeits Forfeits cause gross inconvenience to opponents and disruptions of schedule. Forfeit one game, forfeit all games. A forfeit will be considered a 3-0 win for the non-forfeiting teams.
LAWS OF THE GAME (Adapted from the Int’l Beach Soccer Assoc. And by Beach Soccer Worldwide, Inc, Octagon Koch Tavares/IBSA, Pro Beach Soccer, S.L. and Beach Soccer Company. They were developed to encourage fair play and a spectacular game.)
1. Objectives of the Game
The game is provided for leisure, team play, friendship and healthy competition. Fair play is the essence of sand soccer.
2. The Competition Area, the Goals, and the Ball
2.1 Dimensions of the courts: Two sizes will be in use - 25x35 yard courts for U8/9 divisions and 35x50 yards for U10 and above divisions. Perimeters will be marked with roping affixed to the sand. Substitutes, team delegates, and other spectators shall remain at least six (6) feet from the touchlines. Goal sizes are 6’6 x9 for U10 and younger and 7 x 21 for U11 and Older.
2.2 Penalty Box: There is no penalty box, the goalkeeper may use his/her hands anywhere within their half of the field. If a PK is deemed necessary by the referee, or it is necessary to determine a semi-final/final winner, the referee will step off 12 yards from the goal line and establish the penalty spot.
2.3 Corners and Center of the Court: Corners will be marked with a standard corner flag. A 1-yard quadrant forms the corner area. A mark on the sideline rope will mark the center of the field.
2.4 Goals: Vary in size by division. Goals are aluminum or steel construction and anchored to the sand with sandbags….Goal sizes are 6’6 x9 for U10 and younger and 7 x 21 for U11 and Older
2.5 Ball: Twelve & younger divisions use a size 4; thirteen & older divisions a size 5; inflation pressure is 7lbs. The referee shall stop the match and the clock, and replace any ball showing signs of deformity. Dropping the replacement ball at the center of the court restarts the match.
3. The Game: Start, Duration, and its Rules
3.1 Start of Game: The home team will have kickoff, and the away team will choose which side of the field that they want to defend. The Kickoff will be made from the center of the court on the referee’s whistle. Opposing players must remain at least 5 yards away from the ball. (new for 2023)The ball must be passed either forwards or backwards (new for 2023). After a goal, the game restarts from the same point. A goal cannot be scored from the kickoff, but only after the ball has been passed once.
3.2 Duration of the Game:
All games shall consist of two 20 minute halves with a 5 minute half time.
3.3 How to Win: See tiebreaker information in “Tournament Standings” section above.
3.4 Scoring a Goal: A goal shall be scored when the ball entirely crosses over the goal line in the air or on the ground between the goal posts and under the crossbar. A goalkeeper CANNOT score by throwing or punting the ball into the goal. When distributed by the goalkeeper, the ball must make contact with another player from either team before crossing the goal line. If the referee deems no contact, the ruling is no goal. The referee’s decision is final.
3.5 Out of Play: The ball is considered out of play when “ALL” of the ball crosses the baseline or touchline.
3.6 The Pass-Back Rule: The goalkeeper shall not be allowed to touch the ball with his/her hands or arms when a ball is returned to him/her by a member of their own team. The keeper is allowed to touch the ball with his/her hands or arms, if a member of their own team heads or knees the ball back to the keeper. Just not on passes back with the foot. Infraction of the pass-back rule results in the opposing team being awarded a free kick from the center of the court.
3.7 Offside: There are no offside.
4. Team Formation
4.1 Number of Players: The game is played by two teams of seven players on each team. One of the players on the court for each team shall be the goalkeeper. Both teams must have a minimum of four players on the field to start the match.
4.2 Substitutions: There are no limits on substitutions. The substitute can only enter the court after a player that is being substituted for has left the court at the halfway line. At the referee's discretion a player may enter the field of play earlier, but only if the referee allows it.
4.3 Substitute Infraction: Restart for violation of Rule 4.2 shall be direct free kick from the center of the court.
4.4 Minimum Number of Players: The minimum number of players on the court is four (4). The team that remains with less than four (4) players will be declared the loser of that game, regardless of the score at the time that the game was stopped. In this case, the score of the game, for goal average effect, will be 3 - 0 for the winning team.
4.5 Goalkeeper replacement: A goalkeeper may substitute for a field player, after a shirt change. Similarly, a field player may be substituted for a goalkeeper. Such substitutions may only be made at halftime or after a stoppage in play, and after referee notification.
4.6 Goalkeeper ball handling: When the goalkeeper makes a save, or otherwise receives the ball from an in-play situation, he/she can distribute the ball by punting the ball or rolling the ball underhand, side armed, or overhand. A goal CANNOT be scored directly from this type of goalkeeper distribution.
4.7 Goalkeeper distribution interference: (New for 2025)…When a goalkeeper is attempting to distribute the ball either by hand or punting the ball, the opposing team may not interfere with the distribution (note the goalkeeper cannot score if their distribution goes into the goal without touching another player). If the referee determines that interference has occurred…it will be a direct free kick taken at the spot of the foul (which now makes it a scoring opportunity)
5. Referees
5.1 Referees: The game shall be officiated by a referee located on the halfway line at the touchline. The referee may choose to officiate from the inside of the field of play if he/she feels that is to his/her advantage. Their decisions are final. The referee will serve as timekeeper and scorekeeper. The Tournament Committee shall determine, before the game, or during play, if conditions are suitable for safe play.
6. Player Equipment
6.1 Footwear: It is strictly forbidden to wear any kind of footwear other than what is authorized. Authorized footwear includes bare feet, Sand socks, socks taped up and/or elastic ankle and/or foot wraps.
6.2 Uniforms: Teams must wear “A” team uniform. Goalkeepers shall wear a uniform of contrasting color with other players and the referee. Use of plastic goggles for eye protection is allowed. Uniforms shall consist of shirts and shorts of the same design and color, with clearly visible identification numbers on the player or player’s uniform.
7. Fouls and Infractions
7.1 Fouls: If any player commits any of the below infractions, there will be a DIRECT FREE KICK taken from the spot of the infringement. The player who is faulted must take the free kick unless seriously injured and, in such case, his/her substitute shall execute the shot. The referee shall allow play to continue when a team that has suffered the foul will benefit from such advantage, and shall penalize the original offense if the anticipated advantage does not ensue at that time. It is considered a foul, and a Direct Kick is awarded to the opposing team, if a player commits any of the following offenses in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:
* Kick or trip an opponent
* Grab, hold, push, charge or intentionally obstruct an opponent
* Touch the ball intentionally with the hand or arm. This does not apply to the goalkeeper in his/her own half, or if there is no intention of touching the ball with hand or arm.
* Slide tackle, or jump, at an opponent. . . NO SLIDE TACKLING!
* Playing in a dangerous manner
7.2 Yellow Cards: The referee shall show a yellow card when a player:
* Commits a foul worthy of a yellow card as interpreted by the referee
* Shows by act or word, disagreement with the referee’s decision
* Shows lack of sportsmanship
* Commits an infraction during a free kick or during a kickoff
7.3 Red Cards: the referee shall show a Red Card when a player:
* Receives a second yellow card in one game
* Intentionally denies with a foul an obvious goal scoring opportunity to an opponent
* Is guilty of serious foul play
* Is guilty of violent conduct
* Uses offensive, insulting or abusive language
The player shall be sent off the field without being able to reenter the match and shall also be denied participation in the NEXT TWO MATCHES, including the final round of competition (semi’s or finals). The penalized team shall continue to play without a replacement for two (2) minutes. The referee will report the reason why the player was ejected to the Tournament Committee for possible additional sanctions. THE RED CARD WILL ALSO BE REPORTED TO CAL SOUTH….and ***RED CARDS WILL BE A -1 PT DEDUCTION (NEW FOR 2024)***
7.4 Unsportsmanlike Behavior off the Court: If a substitute player, coach or team delegate commits a serious aggression, or offends any spectator or participant of the game (i.e., the referee, players, members of the Tournament Committee), the referee shall show him/her the Red Card. He/she shall be sent out of the competition area. The individual’s name and reason for suspension will be reported to the Tournament Committee for possible additional sanctions. When play is stopped for unsportsmanlike behavior, restart will be by a direct free kick at the center of the field. THE RED CARD WILL ALSO BE REPORTED TO CAL SOUTH.
8.0 Free Kick
8.1 Free Kick: The referee will award a Direct Free Kick (from which a goal can be scored directly against the defending side) where a foul has been committed. The player who received the infraction must take the free kick. Opponents will be directly behind the ball. And the keeper must remain on their line until the ball is struck.
8.2 Positioning of Players During Free Kicks Opposing players must remain directly behind the ball. And the keeper must remain on their line until the ball is struck.
If the infraction is committed in the kicking team’s DEFENSIVE END of the court, an imaginary “NO MAN’S LAND” sector will be established from the point of the foul to each opponent’s goal post. Players of BOTH teams will remain outside of this zone until the Free Kick is taken. And the keeper must remain on their line until the ball is struck. If the infraction is committed in the kicking team’s OFFENSIVE END of the court, players of BOTH teams must position themselves behind, or on the same line, as the ball placed at the point where the foul was committed.
NOTE: The above concept is meant to discourage fouls in the defensive end by awarding basically undefended (except for goalkeeper) direct free kicks.
When taking a Free Kick, Kick off, or Corner Kick player may place the ball on the spot of the foul and make a small mound to elevate the ball’s position. Walls are only allowed on Corner Kicks.
8.3 Free Kick Start: A player who takes a Free Kick, or puts the ball in play, may not touch the ball twice consecutively. Breaking this rule will be punished with a Direct Free Kick awarded to the other team at the point of infraction.
8.4 Infractions During Free Kicks: If any irregularity occurs when a Free Kick is being taken, the following will apply:
a) If the irregularity is committed by the team taking the free kick and the goal is scored, the shot will be repeated
b) If the irregularity is committed by the infringing team, the free kick will be repeated unless a goal was scored, in which case the goal will stand.
8.5 Injury or Interference Restart: Indirect free kick from the center of the field by team in possession at time of stoppage for the injury.
9.0 Penalty Kicks
9.1 Penalty Kick: Penalty kicks will only be used when deemed appropriate by the referee during the game….or… to break ties in semi-finals and finals. Then the referee will step off 12 yards from the goal line and establish the “penalty spot”. All fouls are direct kicks regardless of the location of the foul.
(New for 2023) When used to break ties in a semi-final or final, all the “eligible” players may take the field to have an opportunity to shoot…not just the players that were out on the sand when the match ended. The referee will mark who has shot on the game card (new for 2023)
Note: eligible players are not serving a red card suspension
9.2 Fluid Movement: The player who takes the penalty kick must do it in a continuous movement.
9.3 Goalkeeper Position: When defending a penalty kick, the goalkeeper must position him/herself and can only move on the goal line between both goal posts.
9.4 Infractions During Penalty Kicks: If an irregularity is committed by the team taking the penalty kick and the goal is scored, the shot will be repeated. If an irregularity is committed by the infringing team, the penalty kick will be repeated, unless a goal was scored, in which case the goal will stand.
10. Goalkeeper Restart of Game (Goal Kicks)
10.1 Restart: A goal kick will be awarded when a player of the attacking team plays or deflects the ball over the base line. The player must place the ball approximately six (6) yards out from the base line and kick the ball. A goal CAN BE scored directly from the goal kick restart.
10.2 Goalkeeper Scoring: A goalkeeper cannot score by directly throwing the ball with their hands into the goal of the opposing team. The goalkeeper cannot score if he/she kicks the ball in the air (volley or punt) before it touches the ground after releasing it from their hands. The goalkeeper can score if he/she puts the ball down on the ground and controls it with their feet (dribbles) during the normal course of play.
11. Corner Kick
11.1 Corner Kick: Shall be given when a player of the defensive team touches the ball out of bounds through the base line. The corner kick must be taken with the feet. The place where the corner is taken must be within one (1) yard of the Corner Flag. A goal may be scored directly off a corner kick. Opposing players may not approach the player taking the kick closer than five (5) yards. The player executing the kick has 5 seconds from the time they set the ball down for the corner kick. If the player infringes on his 5 seconds, the opponent goalkeeper shall restart play.
12. Ball In/Out of Play (Touch Lines)
12.1 Out of Bounds: A ball is considered out of play when “ALL” of the ball crosses over the touch line. Restart will be by a “THROW” at the point of infraction. Opposing players may approach no closer than five (5) yards. A goal cannot be scored off a Throw-In. The player shall have 5 seconds to inbound the ball. By infringing this rule, possession will be reversed to the opposing team. Player may throw the ball to the goalkeeper who can then catch and distribute the ball. If the throw does not make it to the keeper for the keeper to catch the ball, the ball is live and can be picked up by the keeper and distributed.